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Uncas Dunes Photos from July 2016 field trip
Uncas Skipper

This is the Uncas Skipper butterfly for which the SNA was named (photo taken in Colorado). It thrived here before its habitat was degraded. Hopefully with habitat restoration it may once again be seen

American Hazelnut Corylus americana

Hazelnuts grow on steep slopes of some dunes.

Starry False Solomon's Seal ( Maianthemum stellatum ) or sometimes ( Smilacina stellata)

Varrying biomes are seen depending on moisture, sun exposure and other factors.

Earth Star or Star Mushroom ( Geastrum sp. )

"Blow outs" in sand dunes support unique species

Goldenrod Crab Spider, yellow var, female, ( Misumena vatia )

This Goldenrod Crab Spider has the ability to change to white when hunting on white flowers such as this white prairie clover but was still in its yellow phase here

Purple Prairie Clover,  ( Dalea purpurea )

Prairie forbs blossom throughout the summer.

Amorpha canescens (Leadplant)

Leadplant blooms in early July on dune tops kept open by controlled burns

Clammy Ground Cherry

The fruits of the ground cherry are typical for the family (appearing like a tomatillo), and have a slightly bitter taste, though they are perfectly edible. The rest of the plant is poisonous.

Picturesque white oak tree trunk

Frequent fires are a necessary part of the oak savannah ecosystem

Hoary Puccoon

These hoary puccoon flowers bloom above a ground cover of poison ivy which is everywhere. Dress appropriately to protect yourself.

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