Friends of Minnesota
Scientific & Natural Areas
Dear Friend of Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas,
As you may know, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) held a public hearing on October 30, 2018 in Ada, MN to take comments on a proposal to build a 0.2 mile road for additional motor vehicle access along the north boundary and build an additional parking area in Prairie Smoke Dunes SNA, located in Norman County. FMSNA was there to make a statement opposing this proposal, but more statements from concerned citizens (you!) are needed to have an impact.
You can submit a statement electronically or by mail by November 13, 2018.
Send your email comment to "sna.dnr@state.mn.us", including the subject line “Prairie Smoke Dunes SNA Public hearing”. Include your name and address.
Or by mail: SNA Program-EWR Div, DNR NW Region Office 3, 2115 Birchmont Beach Road NE, Bemidji, MN 56601
If the DNR moves to build the road and parking lot based on the threat from the county to refuse approval of future DNR acquisitions, it will set a dangerous precedent allowing bullying by any county board in the state to dictate DNR management on state lands, in this case a sensitive Scientific and Natural Area. You might read earlier posts below for talking points to use in your comments.

Prairie Smoke Dunes SNA is at risk!
The DNR will hold a public hearing to take comments on a proposal to build a 0.2 mile road for additional motor vehicle access along the north boundary (0.2 mile) and build an additional parking area in Prairie Smoke Dunes SNA, located in Norman County.
The parking lot and access road are: (1) unnecessary (i.e. there are other access points); (2) a waste of taxpayer dollars; (3) contrary to the purposes of the SNA program; and (4) impairments to one of Minnesota’s precious SNAs.
Furthermore, it is undisputed that the Norman County Board is not interested in approving more wildlife management areas (WMAs) unless this proposal is approved. Consequently, there is strong political pressure to approve the road and parking lot.
By state law there is no legal justification for this access and parking lot into the interior of this state nature reserve since it is not necessary for public interpretation, education, nor scientific research. The site is already served by 2 parking lots and abuts public roads permitting foot traffic.
Date: October 30, 2018
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30PM
Location: City of Ada Area Events Center (411 West Main Street)
Prairie Smoke Dunes SNA Public Hearing
Notice of public hearing
Date: October 30, 2018
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30PM
Location: City of Ada Area Events Center (411 West Main Street)
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will hold a public hearing to take comments on a proposal to expand vehicle access and add an additional parking area at Prairie Smoke Dunes Scientific and Natural Area (SNA) in Norman County.
The hearing will begin with a presentation of the proposal. Attendees can ask questions and provide input on the proposed change to the current designation order on Prairie Smoke Dunes SNA. This designation order change would allow for construction of a parking area and development of a vehicular access along the north boundary line of the SNA, about .20 of a mile west of Hwy. 32.
A hearing official will record all testimony regarding the proposal. Written statements will also be accepted online or by mail until 4:30 p.m. November 13, 2018.
Instructions and materials for making public comments will be posted here prior to hearing date. Comments can also be sent via mail to SNA Program-EWR Div, DNR NW Region Office, 2115 Birchmont Beach Road NE, Bemidji, MN 56601.
Scientific and Natural Areas are state lands established to preserve natural features and rare resources of exceptional scientific and educational value. The Prairie Smoke Dunes SNA protects and preserves a remarkable sand dune formation, dry barrens oak savanna and woodland habitats and a number of rare plant and animal species. The SNA is open to the public for activities such as hiking, bird-watching, nature photography and snowshoeing. It is also open to antlerless deer hunting during regular firearms and archery seasons. The SNA may be accessed through two parking area locations or along the south side of the SNA on 310th Ave.