Friends of Minnesota
Scientific & Natural Areas
Friends of Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas
Annual Action Summary for 2017

Dalea villosa (Silky Prairie Clover) at Helen Allison SNA
Through the support of members, the following are some of the activities pursued by the Friends of Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas (FMSNA) in 2017:
*Continued to fight for protection of all native animals, plants and other organisms that call SNAs home. In keeping with FMSNA Mission Statement, letters were sent to the DNR stating our concerns for many issues including the following:
-Rusty patch bumblebee Federal listing, research efforts in Minnesota and habitat protection
-Mississippi River Islands SNA campsite development and loss of SNA acreage
-The expansion of snowmobile and horse use at Uncas Dunes SNA (Non-compatible recreational uses on SNAs will be an ongoing issue in 2018.)
*Followed and lobbied proposed legislation and rules that impact SNA acquisition and management. For example FMSNA has been:
- working in support of funding for the SNA Program (e.g. met with majority senators and testified to the Capital Investment Committee the need for 2 million in additional dollars to the SNA program)
-working to curtail the negative impacts that legislation for no-net-gain of state lands would have on SNA acquisition and protection of rare resources;
-signing on to a number of letters to the legislature and governor regarding issues that impact Minnesota natural resources and SNAs
*Expressed our concern by letter to the DNR regarding the qualifications for new SNA Program Supervisor
* Continued to be available to give presentations (i.e. Our presentation at Minnesota Native Plant Society (MNNPS) meeting in May 2017
*Attended and commented regarding SNA issues at DNR Commissioner’s Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings throughout the year
* Participated in the ongoing Sand Dunes State Forest Stakeholders Meetings to support the efforts of DNR Forestry to begin restoration of Oak Sand Savanna on state forest land through the harvest of planted pine, and management for rare species. (Uncas Dunes SNA, within Sand Dunes State Forest, protects a number of rare plants, butterflies and turtles.)
*Managed and updated the FMSNA website and Facebook page to better serve our members by providing updates on actions and activities and links to partnership organizations.
*Continued FMSNA membership in Minnesota Environmental Partnership (MEP) (http://www.mepartnership.org) – The mission of MEP is to help diverse environmental nonprofits be successful by working together. This success is realized by strengthening the effectiveness and building the power of our members to achieve the highest quality natural environment for Minnesotans. FMSNA attends the regular Government Relations Committee meetings at MEP to keep up to date on legislative issues and actions. FMSNA has signed on to a number of letters to the legislature pertaining to natural resource protection, state lands protection, funding for DNR and SNA Program